At Total SEO we love nothing more than a nice cup of tea, in fact, some of the team here get through 5 or 6 cups a day! We drink so much, that we now have an office tea urn. Although it is a great convenience, the problem with a tea urn, is that the water can boil, then if it isn’t used up it can go cold overnight, next morning, the urn is switched back on and re-boils, this process repeats day after day until the water is eventually emptied and replaced with fresh water. Re-boiled water impacts on the quality and taste of the tea, the more it is boiled, the worse the tea will taste.
The Total SEO Office Tea Urn Google operates on a similar principle, it likes plenty of regular, fresh new content hitting a website, this will score lots of points in terms of trust and credibility with Google. However, Google hates content that has been used more than once, or re-hashed to create a new piece of content on a website. Google has a fundamental principle that content should be written for human visitors, not search engines, anyone trying to trick the system can find themselves with a Google penalty and a drop in their Google rankings. So, just like the team here don’t enjoy a stale, re-boiled cup of tea, Google doesn’t like content that has been used already or repeated. If you would like help getting your website ranked higher in Google, simply complete the form at the top of this page and we will carry out a review and tell you what needs to be done to improve things.