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The Top 5 Myths of SEO

September 27, 2013

When it comes to getting your site to the top of Google, many people will tell you many different things, it is important that you understand fact from fiction in order to stand a realistic chance of getting your site onto the front page of Google.

So below we have put together the top 5 SEO myths to help you in the right direction.

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1) Guaranteed rankings – There is no such thing as “guaranteed” positions or rankings when it comes to organic or natural search, there are hundreds of factors that influence where your site appears in the rankings, many of which are kept secret by Google, no company or individual can control all of these elements. It is therefore essential that you work with a company who are realistic and clear about what rankings you can achieve and what you can expect from the increased visibility in the search results.

2) Spending money on Google Adwords boosts your ranking – Google has confirmed on numerous occasions that there is no link between the amount of money you spend on Adwords and your organic search results, this is a myth that never seems to go away, but there is clear evidence to support this. You should only spend money on Adwords if you intend to use it as a source of new business, not to try and influence your natural search rankings.

3) Set and forget – Many people treat SEO as a one off project, however, good SEO never really ends, a successful business wouldn’t settle for just one single marketing investment, if you think you’ve achieved all you can with your SEO then it is very likely you are not making the most of your website and the opportunities to get more business. There is always more that can be done, by working with a proactive SEO company you can ensure you reach and exceed your goals.

4) You can cheat your way to the top – Trying to trick Google or manipulate search results is a bad idea, if and when the search engines realise you have tried to deceive them you will very likely by hit with a penalty and a drop in rankings. Common tricks involve spam link building, link farms and content duplication and scraping, all of which should be avoided.

5) Meta tag keywords matter – This is another myth, Google have confirmed on several occasions that they do not use the Meta Keywords tag, they have gone so far as to say that it is a waste of time for website owners to use this tag, there is evidence to suggest an over optimised keyword tag can lead to a negative effect in search results. The most important meta tags are Meta Description and Title, but don’t change these without first consulting an SEO expert.


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