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SEO for Home Improvement & Maintenance Companies


Are you a home improvement & maintenance company with a website? Do you want it on page one of Google? Fill in the free website review form at the top of the page and find out how we can help you.

SEO for Home Improvement and Maintenance Companies who have a website should be an important part of their overall marketing and advertising mix, to achieve true success online it is vital that home improvement and maintenance companies are able to make their website reach as many potential new clients and visitors as possible, this however, can be easier said than done.

Anyone who works in the home improvement and home maintenance industry will already know what a competitive marketplace they are operating in, with many different websites all competing for the handful of positions available on the front page of Google and the other search engines, home improvement companies who do make it to the top of the search results will find they receive many more enquiries and more new business than the companies they are appearing above.

At Total SEO we are experts in helping make websites appear at the top of the search engine results, we have the skill and expertise to make your company website show on the front page of the search engine results on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Our SEO packages for home improvement and maintenance companies are low cost, with no tie-ins or costly set up fees.

If you work run a home improvement or maintenance company and would like to see your website appearing higher in the search engine results for phrases that are important to your business, speak to us to find out how we can help by calling 01252 329160 or simply complete the search engine optimisation website review form on the right hand side of this page.

Tell us about your website

We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

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Tell us about your website

We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

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