Next Stepsold9-1-2016 -

    Welcome Aboard!

    It's great to have you on board and we are excited about helping improve your website visibility and looking forward to working with you. We want to make sure we delight you and this form is designed to help ensure your expectations match what we are doing for you.

    To get started and ensure we are all pulling in the same direction, we need some details from you, could you take a moment to provide the information below so we can get the ball rolling?

    Before we start, it is important that you understand SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a longer term marketing strategy, it doesn’t happen overnight, the early months are all about getting your site right and building a presence, this involves implementing changes both on and off of your website and teaching Google what we want to happen when people search for the words that are important to you.

    After this has been successfully completed and we start the proactive work, you should expect to see improvements in your rankings that will help bring more people to visit your site.

    Some keywords and search terms can move up quicker than others, so it is very difficult to give specific timescales. As a rule of thumb the lower the competition, the quicker they will move up in search results. We will agree a list of keywords together once we have carried out our research, the information you provide below will help us with this.

    Your name*:

    Your email address*:

    Your number*:

    Company name*:

    Website address*:

    Please can you list the names/websites of your competitors below:

    Please can you provide ideas of keywords/search terms that you would like to appear in Google searches for:

    We need to have access to your website, can you either provide the login details below, or email them to [email protected]:

    Do you have Google Analytics?YesNo

    If YES, please add [email protected] as a user, you can find how to add a user here.

    Do you have Google Search Console set up (formally Webmaster Tools)?YesNo

    If YES, please add [email protected] as a user, you can find how to a add a user here.

    We need to have access to your google account, can you either provide the login details below, or email them to [email protected]:

    Have you registered for a My Google Business Listing/Map listing?YesNo

    If No, would you like us to create this for you?, If so please provide below the full address you wish to represent (this needs to be a physical address) we will notify you when this has been actioned.

    What are your business goals, other than improving your search engine rankings?

    Any other information? Please provide details below of anything else you need from us or want to tell us.

    How did you hear about us?

    Tell us about your website

    We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Tell us about your website

    We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.