Latest Google Changes to Impact UK Searches - Update cookies preferences

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Latest Google Changes to Impact UK Searches

July 2, 2015

From: Simon Chapple – Head of Search Marketing at

If you have a business website you may want to brace yourself for the latest update from Google, rumoured to be coming in the next month or two.

Google regularly updates the way it ranks websites in searches and the latest update is believed to target poor quality content, low quality backlinks and sites that deliver a sub-standard user experience.

The last significant update saw thousands of UK websites drop in the search results, it is therefore vital to be prepared.

Google rewards websites that have good quality content, strong backlinks and take the time to create a great experience for visitors.

Don’t wait for your website to drop in Google searches, simply visit and request a free review and we will carry out an analysis of your site and email you a detailed report outlining the issues with your website, along with a plan of action.

Or, if your website is not ranking as high as you would like it to be, get in touch.

The report will show you what is holding you back in Google searches for keywords and phrases that are important to your business.

Tell us about your website

We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

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