Google Page Experience Algorithm Update Will Be Applied To Desktop Results in 2022 - Update cookies preferences

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Google Page Experience Algorithm Update Will Be Applied To Desktop Results in 2022

November 19, 2021

Google has now confirmed that the Page Experience Algorithm Update that rolled out earlier this year for mobile search, will be applied to desktop results beginning in February 2022.

We spoke about what is included in the Page Experience update in a blog post back in March and you can read that here. The desktop update will be built using the same three Core Web Vitals metrics that form the basis of the earlier update.

Factors included. Source: Google Search Central

The one key difference is that mobile friendliness will not be a signal for desktop searches, while it is built into the page experience for mobile searches.

If your site has a different URL for desktop & mobile, providing it’s configured appropriately, the desktop signal is based on the URLs that desktop users will see.

Google is also going to be launching a new Google Search Console report that will help site owners understand how their desktop pages are performance with regards to page experience.

Find out how your site fares in the eyes of Google with a free review from Total SEO today.

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