Charlie Pearce – Owner of Chat 2 Charlie - Update cookies preferences

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Charlie Pearce – Owner of Chat 2 Charlie


“Francesca Jolly did something no one else could do. She gained my trust and I liked her instantly. Her genuine, open, relaxed manner made me feel as if there were no obstacles that couldn’t be overcome. What is astonishing about this however, is that I had already been prepared to assertively reject her proposition. I had heard so many stories about why SEO marketing would be a waste of time and one friend even used the word “con” – so to be quite frank the fact she ever got me on board is testament to her own people skills.

Once we were engaged in the process, I had many questions and challenges. Each of these were met with skill and diplomacy. She was so supportive and not at all secretive about any of the process. The more she explained the more I realised how complex and fluid this work was and how each member of the team was best placed to deliver.

Pre-Fran, I was a small operator on a low-tech, Vistaprint self-built website and had pathetically tried to learn as much about SEO so I could implement it using a tool on the platform. Despite my best efforts, my results were embarrassing. I wasn’t even showing let alone high ranking. Within a short space of time I can state categorically that every single target we reached for we hit, I learned a massive amount about drawing people to my website and I would not hesitate to wholeheartedly recommend Francesca and her team to anyone who is looking to improve their online presence. My first ever bookings from Google have now started to come in, very exciting times!”

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We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.

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