Case Study – Pocket App - Update cookies preferences

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Case Study – Pocket App


Pocket App

The client: Pocket App

Pocket App is a specialist mobile application design and development company that creates solutions for its business clients. Focussing on enterprise mobility and underpinned by advanced management and security controls Pocket App has gained national and international clients across many industries. These include Argos, Samsung, The Sun and British American Tobacco.

Their clients and associates are commercially focused and technically aware so a strong presence in search engines is vital to attracting the interest and business they seek.

Paul Swaddle, Pocket App’s Chairman “We recognised that to grow the business we needed a good partner. We knew enough about the market to know what to look for but without being technical experts. We approached Total SEO following a recommendation. After a conversation with them we concluded that we would be better served by investing in SEO than PPC due to the competitiveness of the market we are in.”

Our work

Total SEO started working with Pocket App in November 2013. The initial task was to research Pocket App’s marketplace and competitors to understand what search terms and phrases would be most valuable to invest in. The first benchmark report of search terms agreed with Pocket App showed that they did not feature in the top 100 for 60 key phrases.

We then undertook a lot of groundwork which is required to enable any SEO campaign to be successful. Whilst this can be behind the scenes and not directly yield quick results it is essential if we are to meet or exceed our client’s expectations.

“Total SEO spent time explaining to us what they needed to do. We didn’t expect instant results and had made a commitment to a long term investment. It made it easier that we had a dedicated person looking after us and keeping us updated on progress. As a company Total SEO have plenty of expertise and talent but are not too big so we feel well looked after.”

Over the months that followed PocketApp saw incremental improvements which resulted in increases in traffic to their website which in turn has led to new business and helped fuel the growth of the company.

The results

‘”We have seen fantastic results from the work Total SEO has done for us. Our initial keywords have performed really well and now regularly appear on page one and top position on Google. It would have cost us a huge amount more to have achieved the same business results through PPC”.

  • Over 50% of the client’s keywords are on page one of Google
  • Pocket App is number one for 12 of its keywords

As Pocket App recognised from the outset SEO requires an investment over time and patience to get the desired results. But SEO is not static. To keep the same keywords featuring highly requires constant work and with Pocket App not only have we done that but also extended the work by adding new search terms. Both Total SEO and the client have collaborated in coming up with ideas to get further returns on investment. This has involved further commitment from the client and also the input of ideas and suggestions from Total SEO which extend beyond purely SEO matters.

Paul Swaddle “We enjoy working with Total SEO. We have benefited from their expertise through increased traffic and business but we also value their advice on other aspects such as our website.

For us this is a long term commitment to a very enjoyable and fruitful relationship. Total SEO have been a fantastic partner. We started in the dark and they have helped us get out into the bright lights of the front page. Thank you for all your efforts.”

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