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Five Steps To Creating An SEO Plan For 2019

January 21, 2019
Reflection as a business is vitally important to start each year by putting your best foot forward. Looking back is the first place to look before you can start looking forward positively because if you cannot highlight issues or opportunities for your company in the upcoming months, how are you going to progress? Whether you […]

Five Tips To Ranking In Your Local Area

January 7, 2019
Being the first listing in your area for your services will give you the best chance of securing custom from people searching in your town, city, village or county. You might serve one specific area, have a one fixed address or want to generate responses from across a county, but you will need to consider […]

Three Trends To Look Out For In 2019

January 2, 2019
Preparing your website for the changes in SEO is an almost impossible job on your own. Every time you think that you have learned everything there is to know, there will be an update, an algorithm alteration or a completely new feature to get the hang of and understand.

Three Principles Of Organic SEO To Take Advantage Of In 2019

December 10, 2018
A freshly designed website, an engaging social media account and a vision for your business’ future is a great platform to improve your rankings on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. It will give you the springboard to attain the goals that you did not think were possible. However, you will need a helping […]

Mobile-Centric SEO Practices To Help Your Business Prosper In 2019

November 26, 2018
It appears every time we think that we know everything about SEO something else comes into our periphery vision. Your website will have the potential to become a leader in your field, but it will need guidance on this journey from a team who understand how to squeeze every last drop of possible power from […]

Why Organise Your SEO Before Black Friday And Cyber Monday

November 12, 2018
The now-infamous tradition of Black Friday has spread its way across the world in recent years. This event is boiled down to slashed prices by the biggest retailers and special discounts in store and online. Black Friday has also become synonymous with the videos of 100s of people clamouring for a TV, but many are […]

The 5 Most Important Things To Improve for SEO

June 7, 2018
If you have a website you are no doubt keen to ensure it shows high in Google when people search for what you do.   Ideally you will have an SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) specialist working on your Google rankings, but not everyone has this luxury. Below are 5 things you can improve right now […]

Is your business ready for GDPR?

March 28, 2018
There’s been a lot of buzz around the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is the new set of guidelines that dictate how individuals and companies may acquire, utilise, store, and delete the personal data of European Union (EU) citizens. If you have subscribers based in the EU, you are responsible for following these regulations […]

Online Reviews: What is good about them and what is bad about them

January 19, 2018
Online Reviews: What is good about them and what is bad about them We’ve been receiving online reviews for a number of years and we are strong advocates of allowing your customers to voice their opinions about the services or products you provide. For example, if you were to search for ‘Total SEO reviews’ online, […]

What the Total SEO Reviews say about our Business

December 4, 2017
Ever since starting our business, when we had just a couple of employees to where we are now in 2017, with over 25 employees, our ethos has never changed. We created Total SEO because we wanted to deliver an open and honest SEO service to our clients. Transparency is the forefront of our business. We […]

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