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Total SEO – Search Engine Optimisation Company SEO on Eagle Radio

August 1, 2011
Total SEO & Marketing Ltd are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) experts covering Surrey, Hampshire and the rest of the UK and we are proud to be associated with 96.4 Eagle Radio. We are experts in making business websites appear on page one of Google and the other major search engines. Our latest SEO adverts on […]

Page Load Speed Impacts SEO

July 29, 2011
In recent months Google has been taking into account page load speeds as one of the (many) important factors within the organic search results algorithm. Google has now announced a new service called Page Load Speed, which promises to speed up website page load times by up to 60%. From the information supplied by Google […]

Google +1 Button Arrives in UK

July 8, 2011
The Google +1 button has finally arrived in the UK, users will have seen the +1 button on some websites and also next to search results when using Google, here’s a summary of how the +1 button works: Let’s say you own a hotel in Madrid. Brian had a lovely stay at your hotel last […]

Is SEO worth the money?

June 15, 2011
Many people ask whether Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is worth the money, some business website owners see SEO as a gamble with no guarantee of results at the top of the search engines and are understandably wary about spending large amounts of money. It is important to avoid any SEO company making guarantees about […]

How to Optimise Flash Pages

May 13, 2011
Flash on websites often looks great, with moving images and animation it is possible to give websites a fantastic professional look and feel that provides a really unique and engaging experience for visitors. The downside is that search engines can’t read Flash in the same way they can read standard content on a HTML site […]

How Often to add New Content?

April 15, 2011
As SEO experts, we are regularly asked “how often should new content be added to a website for SEO purposes?”, the answer is simple and it’s the same with just about every website….as often as possible! With recent changes to the Google Algorithm it is more important than ever before to ensure regular, new and […]

Business SEO

April 8, 2011
Any business owner who wants to achieve more new enquiries and business from their website will need to ensure they are appearing as high as possible in the search engine results, in particular within Google, Yahoo and Bing. To achieve this it is essential that the website is properly optimised for the search engines, this […]

SEO Prices

March 27, 2011
Anyone looking for a reliable, professional SEO company to help them get their website to appear at the top of the major UK search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo) will need to ensure the SEO prices they are offered provide the right return on their investment and will deliver results that increase both website visitors, […]

Latest Google Algorithm Update

March 17, 2011
The latest algorithm update from Google, referred to as the “Panda” update (possibly because some websites have been given two black eyes) took place just over a week ago and it looks like Google have got this update just about right. The changes Google have made now offer greater rewards to sites that regularly update with unique, engaging […]

SEO Company Costs

March 8, 2011
Anyone looking for reliable search engine optimisation services will need to research several things, one of the most important will no doubt be the SEO company costs, these can vary considerably from one SEO company to another and it is vital that a clear comparison is made so the website owner fully understands what they […]

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