The Google +1 button has finally arrived in the UK, users will have seen the +1 button on some websites and also next to search results when using Google, here’s a summary of how the +1 button works:
Let’s say you own a hotel in Madrid. Brian had a lovely stay at your hotel last summer. When Brian starts researching accommodations for his next trip to Spain, he searches on Google while signed into his Google account and sees your listing. He clicks the +1 button on the to recommend it to his contacts.
When Brian’s friend Ann plans her trip to Spain, she signs in to her Google account, searches and also sees your site listed – plus the personalised annotation that Brian +1’d it. Knowing that Brian recommends your hotel helps Ann decide where to stay during her travels.
Think of the +1 button as a way for fans of your business to recommend what you offer, for all their friends and contacts to see. By helping searchers see more personal, relevant results, Google believe you’ll see more qualified traffic. You can also add the +1 button to your site to give your customers the opportunity to +1 your site after visiting it.
So what does this mean for SEO? Well at this stage it’s difficult to say, we all know that more reviews on Google Places results in more kudos for a listing, often resulting in a higher placement in the search results, the question is whether more +1’s will have any impact on where a site appears in search results? This remains to be seen, but we believe it will become a factor in the overall ranking and website positioning in the results and we are keen to encourage website owners to place a +1 button on their site and encourage their clients and customers to click it if they have enjoyed their experience.
Google themselves have said “This (the +1 button) is just one of many signals Google may use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, and we’re constantly tweaking and improving our algorithm to improve overall search quality. For +1’s, as with any new ranking signal, we’ll be starting carefully and learning how those signals affect search quality.”
You can be sure we will be keeping a very close eye on developments with the new +1 button and will keep our site up to date with the latest news as it happens.