It is all very well generating lots of traffic to your website, but if you haven’t taken steps to ensure your site converts that traffic into business, you could be paying the price.
There are many tricks for ensuring your traffic converts at the highest possible level, below are five of the most common.
Of course, there are many more than this, if you would like a full critique of your site, get in touch and we can talk to you about how to turn more of your traffic in business.
Our team are also ready to help anyone with a website who needs to get ranked higher in Google, we would love to give you a free review at so you can learn what needs to be done to get your website onto page one of Google.
Call to Action
Capture your visitors contact details
Many business website owners believe that the only way of getting new enquiries is from telephone calls, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Having a strong call to action on a website will generate many more leads from people who don’t want to pick up the phone.
To capture visitors contact details, think of a free giveaway, maybe a PDF download in return for an email address, for example an Estate Agent may have a downloadable PDF “10 Things You Need To Know When Choosing An Estate Agent”.
Have a look at the Call to Action on our website.
Contact Information
Hard to find, or missing contact details
It sounds obvious, but we see websites on a regular basis that have missing phone numbers, no physical address or email contact details.
This does nothing to give the visitor confidence in the site, contact information should be easy to find, in the website header, footer and on a dedicated Contact Use page.
Take every opportunity to put your contact information in front of your visitors.
Design & Style
Poor design, images and font
It is common to see websites that have an amateur looking design, this can be a huge turn off for visitors seeking out a trustworthy business.
Some of the big mistakes include using the wrong font (yes, Comic Sans is offensive), stock/library images and designs that are off putting to users of the site.
Make sure your design is professional and in keeping with what your clients will expect.
Not happy with your website design? Find out how we can help.
Human Side
Nothing showing the people behind the business
People buy from people…..fact.
Websites should show a human side, ideally on a meet the team page, with pictures of all the friendly faces behind the company.
This is a big step to giving visitors confidence and trust in the company and the people behind it.
It is also a great idea to use social media for sharing occasional fun images of the people involved in the company, show your potential clients that you are human (just like them) and have a sense of humour.
Have a look at our Meet the Team page
3 Second Rule
Make sure visitors stay on your site
When a visitor comes to your website you have around 3 seconds for them to decide if they are in the right place and whether the website is offering what they are looking for.
If the site is unclear or sending mixed messages, there is a good chance they will hit the back button and find another website.
One of the best ways of making it really clear what you offer is by having a strong tagline under your logo that says exactly what you do, also, make sure on-page headers spell it out so it is very easy to understand what the site is about.