Four things to check when starting your SEO in 2021 - Update cookies preferences

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Four things to check when starting your SEO in 2021

May 21, 2021

As we move deeper into 2021, if you want to become a company that is worthy of a high ranking on the internet’s search engines, it ultimately requires a combination of patience, hard work and the advice of professionals. There are a number of things you can do to improve one element or another of SEO, but with the difficult year we have all just had, it could be a good time to have a complete refresh, to start again and to search for the best way forward as a brand and company.

As we head into the summer months, the days will be brighter – which is ultimately the end game for your SEO too! A brighter future that will present you with more opportunities. You may want to consider the following points as you twist and tweak your SEO in 2021 and beyond.

Where do you see your company in five years?

Setting future targets is part and parcel of a business plan, so you should have an answer to this question. Whether it is selling a certain number of products, achieve a certain number of leads or simply to stay financially secure throughout this tumultuous time, all plans are good. You need to have the same thoughts of the future with regards to your SEO as well.

Whether you’re simply looking to increase the number of visitors, improve your bounce rate or reaching a specific position with certain keywords, you will need to figure out how you can achieve and measure these goals.

Are you able to write regular content?

Writing blogs & articles for your site and social media is a great way to interact with your followers and visitors. If you can spark the right debate and conversation it can really help get your content to a wider audience. Natural, organic, well-written content is a key element to any successful website nowadays, so it is absolutely key that you have content that is both engaging and informative. While it is important to be keyword rich, you need to ensure you don’t stuff keywords, as that is a sure way to get yourself penalised!

Make sure you can put together a plan for content and keep it coming regularly.

Are you keeping up to date with potential SEO and algorithm changes?

Google changes their algorithm regularly – quite often without announcing it publicly. Any small change can make your rankings change and fluctuate wildly, so it is vital that you stay on top of the SEO news to ensure you’re not making any mistakes.

When it comes to the big changes, Google are usually very upfront about these, but they make small tweaks regularly that aren’t announced and even these can ruin your rankings if you’re not aware of them.

How can an SEO company help you?

Keeping on top of all the latest in SEO techniques can be a difficult job, so it might be that you just want an SEO professional to run it all for you. You need to ensure you select the right SEO company that fit with you and your plans for your website. Here at Total SEO, we have been providing both SEO & PPC campaigns to hundreds of companies across a variety of sectors for more than ten years.

If you would like to see how your website is currently faring with SEO, please get a free review here.

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