What happens now?
Let’s get talking
First off, we will schedule a call with your new account manager, this is an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and learn more about your business, we are keen to get under the skin of what you do and make sure we target everything to ensure the best possible results.
We are more than just an SEO company and want to try and add value in any way we can, by communicating regularly we hope to be your one-stop partner for everything relating to your website, so don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything.
We will get cracking
Our team will make a start on your campaign (if we haven’t done so already), one of the first things we will be doing is rewriting meta data (titles and descriptions) to ensure the keywords are mentioned in the right locations across the website, in addition to this we will be making a number of other changes to the site to ensure everything is as search engine friendly as possible, we will also go through site and putting right anything that we feel needs dealing with.
New Content
We will also start writing the first of your regular articles, we write these based around the keywords we are targeting and they will be sent to you by my colleague on our copywriting team, for you to approve, once you approve them we will make the articles live in a dedicated area on the site, it is important we show Google that content is being regularly updated, so please can you ensure you approve the articles and give us your feedback as quickly as possible.
Monthly Reports & Progress
At the end of your first month your account manager will send you a report which will show where all of the keywords we are targeting are appearing in Google and how much they have moved, we will send the report each month so you can easily track the results and see how things are improving over time.
What can be improved?
During the campaign we will also make recommendations about what we think could be changed or improved on the website to ensure the maximum amount of traffic turns into business, this should help you generate more leads and convert more sales.
Do bear in mind that SEO is all about building up trust, authority and momentum with Google, it doesn’t happen overnight, usually by the end of the first month things will have started to creep up, then as we go into months 2-4 we generally start to achieve much stronger rankings, that said, some phrases will move quicker than others, the time it takes varies, based on a number of things including the level of competition for the keyword, highly competitive keywords can take much longer to rank high.
This is very much a summary, we are happy to provide a full, technical breakdown of all the work we are doing if required.
Watch our video: How Long Does SEO Take?
If you have any questions you can talk to us, either online or by email, or by calling us on 01252 329160
You may also want to read our terms and conditions which can be found here.
Tell us about your website
We love looking at websites and will tell you how to improve your Google position.